Lower GPU Temperature
Heat is like the cancer of graphics cards. This is the main problem for gamers and even normal pc users that utilize their pc's on a daily basis. I will show you an effective way to decrease you gpu's temperature by about 10°C.
1. Download and install GPU-Z
2. Once opened, click on the Sensors tab
3. In there you should see your gpu temperatures
1. Download and install SpeedFan
2. Once opened, you should see all of the fans you have installed3. Click on the Configure tab and then on Speeds tab
4. You will now see multiple labels called Speed01, Speed02, etc
5. Click the first one and on the bottom, set Minimum Value to 70% and Maximum to 100%
6. Check Automatically Variated as it will adjust your fan speed according to your CPU load
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for every single label
*You have to run SpeedFan everytime you launch your computer
The best way to decrease your gpu temperature is to simply undust your fans by unscrewing them from your computer. This might seem complicated, but it is very easy (I was successful on my very first try a couple of years ago)
*I will post a guide on how to clean your fans properly later on (WITH PICS!)
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